More than half of our earth is made up of water, and while we have enough freshwater to provide everyone with clean and accessible water, poor infrastructure doesn’t allow this.
Millions of people die annually due to diseases caused by poor water storage, hygiene, and sanitation. Consequently, these issues also affect communities’ access to education, food security, and overall standard of living.
An estimated 663 million people worldwide live without access to drinking water, 2.4 billion people don’t have access to basic sanitation such as toilets, and more than 40% of the world’s population is affected by water shortages. Diseases related poor sanitation lead to almost 1000 child deaths everyday.
SDG 6 aims to supply all people worldwide with safe and affordable drinking water, access to proper sanitation and hygiene, and improve the water quality by minimizing water pollution by 2030.
This important resource can be conserved if proper resource management plans are in place and water ecosystems are protected properly.