Parent Info

Parent Information

GVI is a parent-run organization and family is at the heart of what we do. Respect and trust are two of our core values, but that doesn’t mean we forget about fun. While we’re incredibly serious about child protection, health and safety, and increasing the long-term career benefits of our programs, we also care about making learning more engaging.

After over two decades of experience, we have discovered that if you give young people age-appropriate challenges along with the accompanying support, they quickly start to forge a path that is uniquely their own. Not only does this help them with choosing a career that is personally fulfilling, but living a life aligned to the well-being of our planet and global community.
Parent Info Pack

Ken & Linda | Parent Tesimonial

Brooklyn & Dave | Father-Daughter Testimonial...

Megan | Teen Testimonial...

Joe | Teen Testimonial...

Katrina | Teen Testimonial...

Group volunteering...

Lily | Teen Testimonial...